
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Is this quarter life crisis or what?

Hi Tienda.

It's been a longgg time since I visit this blog. Blame the job. :)


I have this feeling. The feeling that I don't know how to describe.

I feel insecure, but I don't know which part of mine that feel that. I feel insecure, but I don't know why.

I just told one of my friend about this, then she gave me that scary answer. "Quarter life crisis" Yes I'm 25, and yes I already knew about that kind of crisis but I don't know the circumstances would be this hard.

When you see Path, you feel lonely. When you play with your adorable dogs, you cry. And when you hear some news, you get angry at a moment.

You can't sleep till 3am, like you gonna have a final test in the morning. You wake up in the middle of your sleep. You think, but you don't know what are you thinking about. It's just blank. Zero.

I feel like I have no one. I feel like I don't know anymore about my friends' life. I lost in track.

Yes now I'm in this situation.

I don't know how to pass this phase, but they said it will stay for at least for two years.

Yeah. Fuck up.